Fluid Monitoring And Maintenance Tips For Your Hydraulic Motor

28 November 2014
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


When you are maintaining a system with a hydraulic motor, one of the biggest safety concerns to address is the quality of the hydraulic fluid. No matter how microscopic they may be, dirt particles and contaminants in your hydraulic fluid can bring your motor to a halt. It's important that you keep your hydraulic fluid clean through filtration and maintenance, otherwise you risk damaging your equipment. Here are some tips to help you keep your hydraulic fluid as pure as possible.

Filter Fit and Selection

Hydraulic motors are designed to function on specific types of fluids, and each fluid is designated by its purity rating. Since the equipment is designed to meet a minimum purity level, you need to ensure that the most sensitive of the components are protected. Hydraulic fluid filters are the best line of defense to keep your fluid clean, because they catch dirt particles and foreign debris from the fluid.

You need a filter that will capture large volumes of contaminants, just in case. It should also allow the fluid to flow freely through the filter material when it's clean, otherwise you risk losing hydraulic pressure and damaging the motor. There are three key ratings that make a difference in hydraulic filter selection.

Filtration Grade

The filtration grade is determined by the type of fluid you'll be running through the system. Check the hydraulic fluid requirements for to be sure that you have the right filter.

Dirt Absorption

You'll need a filter with a high enough capacity for dirt absorption that you aren't facing clogged filters on a weekly basis.

Differential Pressure

The differential pressure rating indicates the saturation level of the filter. You can even choose a filter that will support a differential pressure indicator, which notifies you when the filter is in need of service.

Identifying Contamination Sources

Some of the most frequent hydraulic fluid contaminants are air, foreign liquids and dirt or metal particles. Each is damaging in its own way. Dirt and metal particles can increase friction in the components, which increases wear. Water and other foreign liquids can cause corrosion and can reduce the lubrication benefit of the fluid. Air pockets and gas bubbles can hinder the valve responses. You may find that some of these contaminants cause foaming, which can damage your hydraulic pump and motor.

Any time you find these types of contaminants in the fluid, you need to trace the system back to find the source of it. To ensure that your hydraulic motor is running at its best, you need to keep that fluid clean. Inspect the system, the filter and the fluid regularly and eliminate any contamination sources.

In addition to your own routine monitoring and care, you can also schedule routine inspections and service with a hydraulic specialist. The tips presented here and the expertise of a technician can help you keep your motor running and your operation in production. Visit this site right here for more information about maintaining your hydraulic motor.